Dance Descriptions
- Waltz
- Originating in the suburbs of
Vienna and the Alpine region of Austria, by the 17th Century waltz was
danced in the Ballrooms of the Hapsburg Court in Germany. The
character is elegant, regal, graceful, and has a lovely swooping rise and
fall. The timing is ONE - two - three with the "one" being the downbeat.
The basic Waltz step is the box step, a sequence of six steps which, if
you were to draw a line connecting all six, would form a box.
- Turning Waltz
- You will feel like Cinderella and the Prince at the royal ball as you turn gracefully around the dance floor. Sometimes called Rotary Waltz, this variation turns right, or clockwise, making it easier to turn to faster waltz music.
- Cross-Step Waltz
- Angela learned this waltz variation from Richard Powers, and has partnered him in many dance workshops in Seattle. Cross-Step Waltz is unique, in that the lead begins with his right foot, and the follow begins with her left. The basic step has a cross step on counts 1 and 4; it is fairly easy to learn, and is elegant and playful, with countless variations and turns within the basic step. This waltz style is danced to slower waltz music
- Foxtrot
- A great social dance: it's fun, easy to learn, and easy to
lead and follow. Traditionally danced to Big Band music, it is upbeat and very "Fred and Ginger". Its basic timing is slow-slow-quick-quick. The Foxtrot
originated in 1914 in New York City by Harry Fox. It is one of the most
versatile of all the ballroom dances as it can be danced to a wide variety
of music with varying tempos.
- East Coast Swing
- Sometimes referred to as Jitterbug, it is the most
common Swing dance. It
has a bouncy character with a basic timing of triple-step, triple-step,
rock-step. Despite its name, East Coast Swing is danced all over the
country, and is the Swing many dancers learn first.
- Single-time Swing
- Single-time Swing is directly derived from
East Coast Swing. Instead of dancing triple-steps, you take a single
step to each side, making the basic timing step, step, rock step. This
simpler basic is easy to dance to faster music, such
as you are likely to encounter at parties or wedding receptions!
- One-step/Blues
- This slow dance is easy walking footwork and playful moves, making dancing to those slower songs fun and creative...no more junior-high sway!!
- Rumba
- Known as the "dance of love". Rumba was introduced in this country in
the 1920's and 1930's and is slow and rhythmical. Sometimes called
the "Latin Waltz", the Rumba is a "spot
dance". It is danced in one spot with a slow-quick-quick timing and is
characterized by latin motion, turns, breaks and rolls. Many of the
steps danced in the Waltz can be danced in the Rumba with Rumba
timing, cuban motion, and Latin arm styling.
- Cha Cha
- Cha Cha is a fun, flirtatious dance.
Originally known as Cha-Cha-Cha, has its origins in the Cuban Mambo.
It came to this country in the middle 1950's. The Cha Cha is also a spot
dance and is characterized by dramatic body movements and a lot of
energy. Cha Cha shares many of the same steps as Mambo or Salsa
with the cha cha triple step thrown in.
- Salsa
- Salsa is a high-energy, fun and upbeat latin dance. The
basic step takes 6 steps for every 8 beats of music, and is
counted Quick, Quick, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow. You step on
beats 1, 2, and 3, holding 4, and step on 5, 6, 7, holding 8. Salsa is one of the most popular latin dances, and you can go Salsa dancing practically every night of the week in Seattle!
- American Tango
- Tango is passionate, with dramatic poses. Its style
is sometimes amorous, sometimes fiery, and always intense! The
basic timing is slow-slow-quick-quick-slow, spelling out its name: